Conversación del día: "Está nublado, ojalá que llueva" "Qué? NO!" "Ah si, te la regalo en el verano sin agua" "Te la regalo!" *silencio* *risas* "No sabía que decir... NOOOOOOOOO! MI COOOLEEEE!" *se va corriendo sin decir chau nisiquiera*
On another note... Today I realized how amused I am by people who spend the year laughing at the nerds and pretending they're all so cool, and then you find them in November crying in the bathroom because they're failing their classes. Same ole story.
You don't have to waste your time reading this, it'll probably be irrelevant. The one and only purpose of this entry is to remember details in the future. The trip to La Pampa with school was pretty amazing. Thursday 12th: I woke up at 5 am, I was giddy as a 13-year-old. For some weird reason it took me about 15 minutes to get dressed, I mean what? O.o I had to be at my old school at 6.30, so I decided to leave 6.15 since it's not very far away from my house. Too bad I didn't think that the streets would be completely empty, so I got there in 5 minutes and only found Ceci there. Everyone arrived little by little, by 7 am we were all there, except for the vans. So we stayed there waiting until they finally arrived 7.30, turns out there had been a problem with the schedule. We hopped in and hit the road. The trip was pretty funny, we talked and fooled around a lot. About two hours later we got to Guatrache, a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, there we caught up with the tour guide, who in my opinion looked like a slut (She was constantly hitting on the van drivers, eugh). We headed to a lagoon, an empty lagoon and the guide gave us a long boring talk. After that we climbed up a "mountain" as they would call it, but it was nothing more than a 25 mt tall hill. Anyway, it was pretty hard to climb up, it was about a million degrees and the sun was killing us. The funny part was seeing the history teacher killing herself to get to the top. Climbing down was pretty hard, I think most of us almost killed ourselves trying. We stepped on the empty lagoon, it was veeery weird and smelly, I don't understand how people get facial treatments with that mud. Then we went back to the campsite, had lunch and headed off to the Mennonite Comunity. OH DEAR GOD, they are sooo weird. First we went to Maria's house, a 23 year old girl with two adorable daughters. I fell in love with them immediately, they couldn't be cuter. The house was pretty much empty, they're not allowed to have much. Then we met her husband Juan and her brother Isidro (I dare to speak on behalf of the girls in my class and say we all thought he was damn dashing). Then we went to the church, which wasn't nice at all. There were two mennonite women, two teenage girls and two little girls cleaning it. The little ones were so adorable, they even spoke to us... in GERMAN, so we obviously didn't get a single word of what she was saying. At the end of the afternoon we went to the store, where all the men looked like they had been taken out of an old English film (I have to admit we all went crazy with the purses they had there) and then to the cheese factory where we had the chance to talk to a 17 year old guy. He was so funny and nice, kindest mennonite I've ever met. There were 3 little girls looking at us from afar and suddenly they started mimicking everything we did, we had a good laugh. Unfortunately, we had to leave. We hit the road again, this time for about three hours, where we got to get the know the teacher as a person and we had the best conversations ever. We got to Parque Luro when it was already super dark. The teacher told us to look out the window because we might get to see some deer, I really didn't expect seeing much, but we got to see a bazillion deers crossing the road and walking next to it, SO CUTE. We got to the campsite and attempted to put up the tents and we half succeeded. Later on, Cata, Agos and I decided to have a shower. Now, THAT was an odyssey. We were walking to the bathroom and Agos started screaming like a bitch because she was convinced she had seen something in the woods and it scared the crap out of me. Showering was chaotic, the water was cold then super hot then cold, then there was no water, then there was too much water and a hugeass spider appeared in my stall. When we were getting changed some girls had the best idea to start hitting the doors with all their strength, so we obviously screamed like freaks. Then we had dinner and played treasure hunt, which was super fun. I didn't want to sleep but my head hurt way too much, I felt like I was going to die, so I went into my tent and into my sleeping bag. I tried to sleep but all the guys and the rest of the girls in my tent kept making noise for hours (I still love you guys). So yeah, I fell asleep around 2.30 am. Friday 13th: For some strange reason we all woke up before 8 am. I slept so well it was incredible. While we were having breakfast we saw another bunch of deers walking near us. Later on we went to a small museum and went for a walk, I felt like I was in Africa honestly. Then we went to Luro's mansion. Dear lord, I wish I had been alive to live there, one of the best mansions I've ever seen, I could totally imagine men smoking pipe in the living room listening to cool music. We went back to the campsite, had lunch (which was fucking grose btw) and then it was water fight time! That one was great, I screamed "THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" so many times it was incredible. At 4 something we hopped on the vans again and four hours later we were back in town. It was one of the best trips ever, I enjoyed it so much, and I owe it all to my superawesome teachers and mates. I wish we could do it again. :)
If I wake in the morning, I'll only need two more miracles to be a saint. Everything I promised everyone I'd be well I just ain't.
Turns out I saw them a couple of days ago. They were laughing and drinking and smoking and singing.
I swear this like a sailor, love is not a favor, I find it's just a concept that we live inside.
The time my dad caught me a horse shoe crab. And I asked him if throwing it back into the sea would bring our luck back.
I never heard the words that were spoken, with the rumored nights, with the rendezvous. I never thought the whispers were true 'til now.
My oh my! I think my mind is gone, I'm left here wondering "Was I crazy all along?" What do I do? Nothing left but pray, gonna shoot somebody. Help me drive this craziness away, I'm happy on my own.
When you were a child I was lost in the wild but you built a home for me in the groove. I was burn in the cold, turn up the heat. I know one day we will sleep for days.
Darkened nights and violent things, vaudevillian girls and violin strings. All of these are the prettiest things when I'm in love.
We would sing and dance around because we know we can't be found. I'd like to be under the sea in an octopus's garden in the shade.
I'm burning through the sky yeah! Two hundred dregrees, that's why the call me Mr Fahrenheit. I'm travelling at the speed of light, I'm gonna make a supersonic woman of you!